Online educational project, funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Identity through the Acces Online program co-funded by the Timiș County Council

Movies about contemporary art, about ourselves, with everyone, for everyone

AccessArt: 10 interviews that will put you in touch with what is going on in Romanian contemporary art

✔ Lesson 1 – LIVIANA DAN – Introduction to Romanian contemporary art

✔ Lesson 2 – CRISTIAN NAE – Conceptual art in Romania

✔ Lesson 3 – OLIVIA NIȚIȘ – Feminism and artistic movements 

✔ Lesson 4 – BOGDAN GHIU – Art in the public space

✔ Lesson 5 – IRINA CIOS – Participative art in Romania

✔ Lesson 6 – HOREA AVRAM – Video art and new media in Romania

✔ Lesson 7 – MATEI BEJENARU – Contemporary Photography

✔ Lesson 8 – DIANA MARINCU – About curating

✔ Lesson 9 – DARIA GHIU – The Romanian pavilion at the Venice Biennale

✔ Lesson 10 – RUXANDRA DEMETRESCU – Artistic research


The 10 lessons on Romanian contemporary art are available on our educational resources website: and on our Youtube channel:

About Access Art

10 structured discussions about contemporary Romanian art between 1989 and 2020
These Lessons come in the shape of an interactively, illustrated and explained movie-montage. The educational montages are not thought for an instructed public, and they do not aim to use an academic discourse, the 10 lessons are for everyone and aim to familiarize, instruct and unravel the contemporary phenomenon as far as Romanian visual arts and artistic practices are concerned.
It is a program for education through culture and cultural mediation for the YOUNG PUBLIC and not only (14-40), aimed to make the teenagers and youngsters with different histories, profiles, interests and needs, “hard o reach” or “easy to reach” to include contemporary art, events, and cultural spaces and institutions in their daily life, to find value and relevance in art as to grown and develop on a personal level.
All these lesson-movies will come with subtitles in Romanian, Hungarian, German and Serbian.
