Autumn school 16th to 28th of September 2019 in Timișoara


Or project’s aim is to contribute to the development of a critical mass operators and cultural managers that will get to know the contemporary Romanian cultural phenomenon through building experience under the roof of some cultural project that will have a certain impact in society and through dialogue with relevant artists that are accustomed to the cultural and creative field, for these new generation managers to come up with projects and to initiate innovative cultural practices, to make the projects visible and bring young and untraditional audience to the events and paths that may appear with the occasion of Timișoara 2021 – European Capital of Culture, to contribute to the cultural and social intentions that will validate modern Romania’s European aspirations, through the third edition of the autumn school that is meant for Romanian students from any field and are interested and have any kind of activity in the artistic and creative field. 

General and specific objectives of the
cultural project

O1. to professionalize cultural management through developing specific skills, be it entrepreneurial skills or cross skills, for a number of 10 youngsters selected at a national level, through taking part in an autumn school (development, residence, project, involvement in experiences/ events) and through internships in Timișoara European Capital of Culture ‘in the making’.

O2. to create a transdisciplinary and multigenerational network of creators, artists, managers, entrepreneurs and cultural operators that may work together and develop and implement productions and cultural and creative projects during the project and after the project is over through developing a webpage/ platform that will work as a workplace, an archive of resources and idea-generator for the network.

O3. to consolidate and build new links with artistic and cultural entrepreneurship potential between Timișoara and the creative neighbourhoods from Banatul Montan and between these two regions and other regions through reconfiguring the geography of the project.

O4.  to register the practises and the of the learning events, developement, dialogue and working on projects by conceiving a Compendium of good practises in the management of cultural projects and through a ‘making of’ film meant to promote the rising participation and the access to all cultural actors, to the traditional and non-traditional audience to the artistic act.


We see the TMcult Autumn School as a place of eminence. That’s why instructing and learning are grounded in principles and practices that showed their solidarity and efficiency all around the world, in universities and well-known organisations: substantial theoretical and academic training done through interactive and participative workshops, with specialised and niche themes along with fieldwork – participation and direct contact, documentation, practicing the ways of writing projects correlated with the application file/employment of the capital of culture 2021. We think that experiential learning focused on the project is innovative not only in the forming of cultural professionals and projects, but Romanian learning and teaching in general. 

In terms of development we offer:
1 MasterClass of Cultural project management
1 Seminar of Cultural and Politic Strategies
1 Fundraising workshop
1 Critical Thinking Workshop
1 PR&Communication workshop
Open source mentoring
Knowledge curating
Networking, internship, fellowship, alumni

In terms of documentation we offer:
A meeting with the Timișoara 2021 – European Capital of Culture team
A meeting with the ArtEcounters – Contemporary Art Biennale Timișoara team
A meeting with producers and organisers from Timișoara
A guided tour in the Art Biennale, along with the curators Maria Lind and Anca Rujoiu

Permanent or part-time internships in NGOs
Support in applying for project funding and development
Networking, fellowship, internship, alumni
Team Bonding with the residents of 2017 and 2018


Lector MasterClass
Managementul proiectului cultural

Prof. Dr. Mihaela Tilinca este parte din echipa Contrasens, vicepresedinte al asociatiei si directorul de programe de educatie. Incepand cu anii 2000 dezvolta, monitorizeaza si implementeaza proiecte in educatie, dezvoltare profesionala si incluziune. Are un doctorat in Alfabetism si Lingvistica de la Universitatea din Lancaster/UK. Intre anii 2000 si 2006 a fost directorul Centrului British Council la Timisoara. A predat incepand cu anii 2008 Managementul Proiectului la programe de M.A. la Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara. Are experienta in formare, mentorat, cercetare in educatie.


Lector Seminar
Strategii și politici culturale

Sorin Vlad Predescu este psiholog, manager cultural, trainer si specialist in educatie si politici publice. Are experienta in activitate guvernamentala si neguvernamentala cu accent pe generarea stategiilor si politicilor culturale si patrimoniale. Este lector univ. dr. la Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara titular al cursului de politici educationale si Directorul Executiv al Directiei Judetene pentru Cultura Timis. In perioada 2014 – 2016 a coordonat in calitate de Presedinte al consiliului Administratiei Fondului Cultural National – AFCN – strategiile de finantare a proiectelor culturale si editoriale pentru sectorul cultural independent din Romania.


Lector Atelier
Gândire inovativă în Managementul Cultural

Vlad Tăușance este consultant in strategie, trainer, scriitor si jurnalist. Lucreaza alaturi de Argo in proiecte de comunicare si dezvolta programe educationale pentru sectorul business si cel neguvrnamental impreuna cu Fundatia Friends For Friends. Are experienta in proiecte de pozitionare si branding cultural. Este specialist in politici si strategii culturale. 


Lector Atelier
Fundraising: tips&tricks

Mario De Mezzo este unul dintre primii fundraiseri din Romania, specializat in strangere de fonduri de la companii. Pana acum a atras peste 5 milioane de dolari pentru proiecte sociale in Romania. A fost Fundraising Manager pentru biroul WWF din Geneva, fiind responsabil cu strangerea de fonduri de la donatori individuali (rich individuals). Intre 2013 si 2016 a fost director national la Habitat for Humanity Romania, organizatie unde a lucrat si intre 2004 si 2008, ca Director de Dezvoltare Resurse. Intre 2008 si 2013, a fost CEO al Grupului Editorial ALL si Presedinte al Uniunii Editorilor din Romania si, timp de doi ani, Director Executiv al Fundatiei Principesa Margareta a Romaniei. 


Lector Atelier
PR&Comunicare în cultură

Oltea Zambori e PR, cofondator al agentiei de relatii publice PRbeta din Timisoara. Organizeaza, in cadrul agentiei, singura conferinta de PR si comunicare din zona de vest si centru a tarii (PRbeta Conference), iar in 2017 a pus bazele conferintei de management si marketing cultural din Timisoara, Linked Culture. A coordonat si coordoneaza comunicarea pentru festivalurile PLAI, JazzTM, Festivalul International de Teatru de la Sibiu, ARTmania Festival, East European Music Conference, Custom Resita, Moving Fireplaces si face parte din echipele de productie ale festivalurilor Timishort si Electric Castle.


Open source mentor & knowledge curator

Vlad Tăușance este consultant in strategie, trainer, scriitor si jurnalist. Lucreaza alaturi de Argo in proiecte de comunicare si dezvolta programe educationale pentru sectorul business si cel neguvrnamental impreuna cu Fundatia Friends For Friends. Are experienta in proiecte de pozitionare si branding cultural. Este specialist in politici si strategii culturale. 



Noemi Varga este jurnalist de peste 20 de ani și producător de radio și televiziune. Este expert în comunicare, branding și eventmarkenting, foarte activă în zona de show-biz, interesată de fenomenul punk din România. Alături de colegii de la Contrasens va coordona practica rezidenților și dialogurile acestora cu mediul cultural din Timișoara și din zonă.


Coordonator program școală

Cristina Struță este parte din echipa Contrasens, este muzician și pedagog, foarte organizată, veselă, creativă, atenta la detalii. Este coordonatorul programului de educație pentru copii și tineri. În cadrul TMcult-Management cultural va coordona rezidenții școlii de vară.


15:00 – 17:00


is a school ANC Authorised


soon to be announced 🙂

 At the end of the autumn school the residents will have to sit an exam (multiple choice test), ANC accredited exam for cultural management and cultural organization manager CODES COR 134921 AND 143105. The residents will be offered a diploma recognised by the Ministry of National Education and the Minister of Work and Social Justice, a diploma recognised by UE.

Who can apply:

Anyone, no matter the nationality, ethnic group, sex, religion, political beliefs. All you need is to believe in culture as a space of development and innovation for artists, as a platform for regeneration and dialogue in a community and culture as an experience accessible to a diverse public


Conditions for participation:

age: 22 – 35 

Superior studies finished: BA, MA, PHD, no matter the domain


We will take care of all the costs that concern the logistics section and education (accommodation, lunch and dinner, transport)
You will have to pay for the transport from your town to Timișoara.

The weight of the selection:

The project 40%
Recommendation letter 25%
Questionnaire 20%
Letter of intention 15%

 Complete the form, answer the questions and upload the following:
– A letter of intention from which it should result that you want to participate in the autumn school
– A sketch for a cultural project (5 000 – 6 000 signs with space
– A letter of recommendation