Lea Rasovszky lives and works in Bucharest. Her activity is strongly influenced by the city’s diversity, tensions and differences between people, stereotypes, gender identity, sexuality, relationships etc. A graduate of the Photo-Video Department of the Bucharest University of Arts, Lea uses several mediums of expression: drawing, textiles, ceramics, installations, and uses them to transpose concepts into a visual form.

Lea Rasovszky’s art addresses subjects connected to the human being, her own feelings and experiences, the delicacy of feeling. Man, a significant source for her works, stands out through his power to overcome intense, traumatic moments by means of a superhuman power.

The fragility of feelings hides a paradox of power. The absence or disappearance of something of yourself, whether physical or emotional, is replaced by a wholesome strangeness that helps you move on.

Lea challenges the stereotype of a woman as a weak being who needs to be protected. Human diversity plays a very important role in her representations. The woman in her works is not beautiful, but real, with problems and vulnerabilities, a character you can relate to indirectly, not through visual similarities, but through emotional turmoil.

The installation displayed at the exhibition On Her Side has as its central image the woman as a protector, who protects even when she is injured herself. This image, however, is not one of weakness, but of strength. The latex gives the work a tactical dimension as well, replicating the feel of the skin. Touching another person’s skin involves a certain level of intimacy and sensitivity, emphasizing empathy, understanding and helpfulness.

Art may not be able to change societies, but it provides an insight into people’s inner selves. Art, from the artist’s perspective, is miraculous and mystical, capable of speaking about us in thousands of ways, showing us inner and outer realities through materialized fictional worlds. The value of art lies in the power to help us eliminate our problems and enter these worlds, for a better understanding of our feelings and experiences.